The world’s first fully electronic self-drive tuk-tuk service

miete mich

Rental fees

CHF 2.- Per hour

To use the Subeez service
at a lower cost, a membership fee of CHF 35.-/year is due. This includes initial registration and an annual fee. The use of the tuk-tuk is charged according to the time spent.

Spontaneous rent

CHF 4.- Per hour

If there is no membership, the tuk-tuk can be used after registration for an additional fee.

Spontaneous rent

CHF 30/50.- Half / Full day

If there is no membership, the tuk-tuk can be used by the day after registration for an additional fee.

Long term rental

Permanent rent monthly or yearly

Take advantage of our carefree package monthly or annual rent at very attractive conditions.

Welcome to the world of electric tuk-tuks for rent and self-drive!

The innovative tuk-tuks to drive yourself. The environmentally friendly and inexpensive way to cover short distances with up to three people. Whether it’s for a quick shopping trip, an outing, or picking someone up, the Subeez Tuk-Tuk is an opportunity for any situation.

Would you like to enjoy a unique driving experience and have the freedom to explore your own route? Then an electric tuk-tuk is the perfect choice for you!

Our vehicles are easy to operate and offer a comfortable driving experience. They are equipped with the latest technology to provide you with a smooth and enjoyable driving experience. Whether alone, with friends or family – an electric tuk-tuk offers space for several people and makes it possible to experience unforgettable moments together.

Drivable with A1 or B1 driving license

Wie melde ich mich ich an?

Telesguard dals 28.03.2023
Subeez in the Surselva

Subeez Tuk-Tuk as public transport complement – SRF Podcast
Tuk-Tuk as public transport supplement

Subeez in Disentis – RSI #Svizzeranda (Italian)
RSI News

Schnell registriert

Persönliche Angaben ausfüllen, Bestätigungscode eingeben und Fahrausweis übermitteln.


Über die App kann sich ein Fahrer für Taxifahrten registrieren. So können auch Nichtfahrer den Service nutzen.

Persönliche Beratung

Über E-Mail oder WhatsApp kann jederzeit mit dem Support Kontakt aufgenommen werden.

Press article

in the Zugerzeitung about our Dr. Raja Prasad the inventor of Subeez!
Zug Newspaper