August 1 test drive in Zug
Ride free tuk-tuk in Zug today. We are waiting for you at the Landsgemeindeplatz. We will be happy to explain to you how easy it is to drive the tuk-tuk. Just get on and lostuktukern. […]
Ride free tuk-tuk in Zug today. We are waiting for you at the Landsgemeindeplatz. We will be happy to explain to you how easy it is to drive the tuk-tuk. Just get on and lostuktukern. […]
In der Surselva haben wir die älteste Tuk-Tuk Fahrerin in der Schweiz in einem unserer Fahrzeuge filmen dürfen. Der Spassfaktor ist auch für über 90. Jährige enorm. Vielen Dank Lukas Heim, dass wir an diesem Spass teilhaben dürfen. […]
Geniesse das Open-Air Lumnezia und lass dich von unseren versierten Fahrerinnen an den Event fahren oder geh doch zwischendurch in Davos Munts ein erfrischendes Bad nehmen. Wir fahren folgende Stationen an: Davos Munts, Separat, Vella, Vignogn, Vrin, Lumbrein und Cumbel […]
The VeMC is specifically dedicated to the topics of e-mobility in the alpine region. We also had to overcome many challenges until our e-tuk-tuks were up to the mountain conditions. Visit us today from 13.00 and tomorrow from 10.00 at the VeMC in the Bündner Arena in Cazis and learn more about our new electric […]
We put our tuk-tuks on the 23. and June 24 at the Viamala e-Mobility Circle. Visit our stand in Cazis and take part in our attractive competition. Win a Subeez Tuk-Tuk FREE to have at your home for a week. Drive as much as you like. We will deliver the tuk-tuk to your home. https://vemc.ch […]
A Subeez Tuk-Tuk is now parked on Ausserdorfstrasse in Maschwanden and can be rented at any time. Take your time and enjoy a ride with our E-Tuk-Tuk. […]
Subeez Tuk-Tuk will set up a booth to present the Tuk-Tuk and the service in the course of the certificate award “Energiestadt Gold” to Mettmenstetten. Visit us! […]
10.12.2022 – For our Subeez Tuk-Tuks we are currently looking for partners who can support us in the further development as well as operation of our service. We are looking for parking spaces with electricity in Surselva! Subeez is currently planning to acquire more vehicles and is looking for investors . Just get in touch […]
10/30/2022 – Subeez Tuktuks have been successfully tested in Surselva since March 2022. In the process, both the entire connectivity (IoT, apps and tuning) and the vehicle were successfully adapted for Swiss roads and mountain conditions. Subeez Tuktuks are suitable for winter and snow ! Currently in the final testing phase, we are gathering experience […]